Geramo is pleased with the overwhelming response from the players for the Imprisoned Souls. To accommodate all matches, the event timings have been extended. The matches will start at 5:00 PM IST and will continue till 10:00 PM IST. Players are requested to stay online during the entire course of the event and pay attention to the match fixture announcements ingame. Geramo will be accompanied by 2 other Gamemasters to conduct these matches.
165 level category matches will be conducted in a 1vs1 class based fashion. Matches will be of the knockout type and the looser goes home. There will be 4 winners in this category for each respective class.
165~161 level category matches may be conducted in a 1vs1 or Many-vs-Many fashion respective or irrespective of the class, depending on the outcome of the previous match to give everyone a fair fighting chance. The number of winners will vary according to Geramo's decision. It's a display of skill after all, Isn't it?
The rules and regulations for the event are posted here. Once your name is called by Geramo, please make sure you report to the arena in less than 1 minute. Geramo doesn't appreciate people who are late and get disconnected during the match.
For any assistance or further details, please message Guidefury in the game.
Hail Hellmarsh!