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Imprisoned Souls is a battle organised by Geramo, where he will give weapons which are capable of weakening Rabellu to the Best Players of their respective classes.
Imprisoned Souls is a PvP Battle to determine the Best Player of the Class.
The Winners from Each Class will be able to claim a Grade 9.5 Unique of their respective class bearing a powerful imprisoned soul.
- The participating characters should be above level 160.
- No Unique Weapons are allowed.
- Sharing of Items will lead to Disqualification.
- PvP Battles will take place in the Arena.
Matches will take place on 10th September 2017. Last date for posting nominations is 9th September 2017 6:00 PM. Match fixtures will be posted by 9:00 PM after finalizing the nominations.
To Participate in this Event Click Here.