Terms and Condition -
1. The Players have to be in a Knighthood to take part in this war.
2. Each Knighthood must have 13 players to take part in event.
3. Knighthood war will be conducted within the Town.
4. Overall winner of this tournament will be chosen, by conducting a
special war between the Top Knighthood of Temoz and Quanato.
5. Total level per Knight Hood should not exceed 1400.
6. Unique weapons are not allowed during the tournament.
7. If any member of the Knighthood is found using Unique Weapon at
the time of war, it will end in Disqualification of the Knighthood.
8. Note: -Total level of the Knighthood members should not exceed
1400 at the time of registration.
9. Registration once done cannot be changed.
10. Players will not be allowed to change Knighthood and Town after
registration until the tournament ends.
11. No player can represent more than one Knighthood. If found, the
character will be disqualified from the tournament.
12. Tournament will be Knockout basis.
13. KH who fails to report at the time allotted will be disqualified without
any notice.
14. KH members cannot take part in war without their KH leader.
15. GM will communicate only with the KH Leaders.
16. Excuse like Members not on-line/Power Cut / Disconnection / System
Failure will not be taken into account for a re-match.
17. The GM can consider having a Re-Match for the above-mentioned
reasons depending on the situation.
18. Violation of Terms and Condition/Abusing GM’s or Guides/Arguing
with GM’s or Guides will be penalized. (Penalty – Removal of 1 Mill
woonz from the players or from each member of the Knighthood.)
19. GM decision will be Final.
20. All cases are subject to Chennai Jurisdiction Only.
Prize –
Top 4 Knighthood from each town will be rewarded Ertakin Status.
1. Ertakin Outfit. (For 1 Month) – (For all Knighthood Members.)
2. Item – Neriydar (G) x 10, Milarc x 5, Stabilizer x 5, Catalyst x 5 and
Upgrade Jewel x 10 – (For all Knighthood Members.)
Special Prize-
Overall winner (Best Knighthood of Quanato vs. Best Knighthood of Temoz)
Knighthood Leader – Grade 9 Unique Weapon according to character class.
(Can use for 1 Week)
Registration Date – 2nd December 2007 to 16th December 2007.
Registration Process – Knighthood Leader must send a mail to
[email protected] need to send registration request only from
their a3 account mail id (i.e. [email protected] [e.g. [email protected]])
Mail should contain the following details –
1) Knighthood Name -
2) Town Represented by the Knighthood – (Quanato or Temoz.)
3) Knighthood Leader Name -
4) Names of the Knighthood Members and level -
5) Total level of the Knighthood members including the leader
(Should not exceed 1400) -